Thursday 20 July 2017


If you’re going to be doing your workouts first thing in the morning, it is extra important that you pay attention to these safety tips.

Getting in regular workouts is one of the most important things that you can be doing to improve your health and fitness level.

That’s why more and more people who are adopting the caveman lifestyle with their eating habits are turning to early morning workouts to make sure they get physical activity into place.
When you do your workouts first thing in the morning, there’s less of a chance that something else is going to crowd them out of your day.

Early morning workouts should start with an extended warm-up. Take at least 15 minutes to get the blood flowing throughout the body in preparation for exercise.
Those who rush through their warm-ups are far more likely to experience injuries when their ligaments are still tight and stiff and have a greater chance of being strained or torn. Although a longer warm-up takes a bit more time, it will be well worth it in the end.

Many people postpone having breakfast until after their morning workout is done; eating is the last thing on their mind when getting out of bed. But in fact, fueling up is recommended before performing any type of intense physical activity.
Have some lean protein and a piece of fruit before starting your routine. This will give your body the nutrients it needs. A couple hundred calories is sufficient, and it only takes a few minutes to get it in..

Another aspect to include in your early morning workout session is some warm-up weight lifting. Rather than jumping right into the usual weight lifting exercises you have scheduled, include one warm-up set performed with a lighter weight.
This will ensure that you’re muscles are ready for the contractions that they’ll be doing and that you can lift the most weight possible when it comes time to doing your set.

Start Exercise, Stay Healthy

Tuesday 11 July 2017


The solution that works best for me is exercising in the morning. I know, with work schedules and other commitments, this might be difficult for some. However, if the only thing holding you back is a warm bed and sweet dreams then creating a morning exercise routine is within reach – you just need to form the habit.

I recommend exercising in the morning for two reasons. First, it gets exercise out of the way before a million excuses start to form and, quite frankly, before I shower. Once I shower and start my day I will not be working up a sweat. Regardless, I can’t even tell you the number of times I would plan to exercise after work. Then 5:00pm would hit and I would be too tired to even think about getting in a workout. Not to mention, I needed to get home and feed my family. By the time all the nightly activities were done it was time to pass out. Therefore, if I don’t exercise in the morning it won’t happen at all. The only excuse that keeps me from getting on my treadmill is waking up late. In my opinion, this is a much easier fix than trying to find an hour or two in the middle of the day or at night.

The second reason I like to exercise in the morning is it starts my day on a positive note. I use that time to think about life, solve problems, and just be in solitude. That one-hour of exercise helps me stay focused and energized throughout the entire day. Feeling productive and accomplished is a priority for me. I need that. When I start my day with exercise I feel productive, accomplished, and ready to take on the world – all by 7:00am!

If you think exercising in the morning could benefit you then here are 7 tips that can help you start a morning exercise routine.

#1 Pick a realistic time
It is often tempting to set my alarm clock for 4:30am so I can have my workout and shower done by 6:00am. However, that is not realistic or sustainable for me. Trust me I have tried many times. A time I can stick with is 5:30am. This allows me to get the proper amount of sleep and still enough time for a solid workout. If you pick a time that you can never stick with then you will find it very difficult to create a routine and habit around that.
Once you pick a early morning time to exercise then protect that time. It is easy to get off track doing other things. However, if you decide 6:30am – 7:30am is exercise time then make sure nothing else takes priority.

#2 Get a good night sleep
This goes along with the first tip. If you go to bed at midnight not only will it be difficult to wake up at 5:30am it will be even harder to find the energy for a quality workout. We need at least 7-9 hours of sleep to function at our best. I know we all think we are superhuman and can survive on much less. However, we are looking to thrive, not just survive, so we need our sleep. My goal bedtime is 10:30pm. Any later and I will struggle waking up in the morning.

#3 Put out clothes, sneakers, and earbuds the night before
This is huge! Trust me the last thing you want to do after waking up is search around for all your work out gear. The number of times I went back to bed because I could not find my ear buds is embarrassing. Having your workout gear ready the night before will put you 10 steps ahead come the morning.
Also, plan to get into your workout clothes and put your sneakers on as soon as you wake up. This lets your mind know you are getting ready for a solid sweaty workout!

#4 Plan out your exercise routine ahead of time
Wake up each morning with an exercise plan. What exercises are you going to do? How long? Are you going to switch up exercises on certain days? Having an exercise plan helps you getting started and stay focused on your workout. However, don’t feel like you need to do an iron man workout every day. Even a little exercise is better than no exercise so do what can. The point is know what those exercises are going to be.

#5 Give yourself a few minutes to wake up
In the past, I would wake up and immediately drag myself down to my basement to exercise. I was barely coherent and many times this caused my workouts to be mediocre at best. When I gave myself 10 minutes to wake up I became more alert and ready to exercise. During that 10 minutes I will drink water, stretch, and start listening to my music. I know this seems very basic but it is these simple tips that have shown some of the biggest results for me.

#6 Put together a motivating play list
The right music is essential to staying motivated during a workout – at least it is for me. When I have high energy motivating music playing I can run 30 minutes without thinking twice about. I highly recommend taking the time to put together a playlist specifically to listen too when exercising.

#7 Exercise often
Whenever you are forming a new exercise habit the key is to do it often (at least 4-5 days) and for a long period of time (3-4 weeks). If you exercise sporadically it will always feel like you are starting from the beginning. Challenge yourself to stick with it.
When you begin waking up early to exercise it will be hard – very hard. You won’t want to do it and will probably have to push yourself a bit. However, after a few days it will get easier. Then after a week or so you will wake up before the alarm goes off and look forward to exercising. After a few weeks it will become second nature – exercising in the morning will become a habit. Once you form the habit you don’t need to be as strict. However, in my experience, keeping exercising consistent will help sustain your exercise habit.

I say this all the time…IT NEVER GETS EASIER YOU ONLY GET BETTER! Keep that in mind when things feel impossible or out of reach. You can do this!

Have a wonderful day!