Friday 8 December 2017


No matter if you have been to the gym 200 times or 2 times you can say that you have seen these individuals in your own gym experience.

When you are pumping iron or taking that two-mile jog on the treadmill you can look around and see that you are surrounded by a diverse group of people. We are all there for the same purpose, but you know that you are looking around and you see all types of people. Some of them may be as followed.

1."Those Girls"
While I am at the gym I have seen several different groups of girls stand at one machine that stretches their legs and as soon as they see a guy they will jump on it and push until they get the boys attention. They are doing this to just try to get some gym boy instead of actually going to the gym for its purpose. The gym is not a hookup site -- it is a place to better yourself.

2. Iron Gorillas
You would never see these giants on a treadmill. No way. They came to get swole and that's it. These huge guys can be seen over and over using free weights and only free weights. They are the type of guys that holler like primates when trying to get that last rep in just to show how masculine they are.

3. "Train like a beast, look like a beauty."
That's right; she looks stronger than you and she can lift ten times your weight. These are the girls that come to gym routinely to make sure they stay in shape for their sport. They are passionate about their workouts and keep a straight serious face the entire time. Don't let this fool you though because you know they are blasting Taylor Swifts latest hit in their ears while they are working out.

4. "I'm sexy and I know it."
They at least THINK they are sexy. I have literally seen a guy just walk around the gym showing himself off and he never even touched one weight the entire time. He just went around and flexed in front of girls. They have been told that they were hot their entire life so that blew up their head and now they really think they are hot so what better place to flash yourself off than a gym?

5. Granolas
The granolas are your yoga and cardio lovers. You can see them in a hot steamy classroom hitting the downward dog stance perfectly or meditating about all the different ways to save the earth. Granolas can sometimes be caught leaving an aerobics class every now and then as well, but don't expect to see them pumping any hard iron anytime soon.

6. Me
Finally, you have me. An average dude who is going to the gym for the right reason. To lead a better and healthier life. Sure I may not look like a greek god and on certain machines, my hands may quiver and shake. You may even think I look like I have no idea what I am doing and you are absolutely right because I have no idea what I am doing, but I do know that it is one step to me getting stronger.


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