Thursday 20 September 2018


Actually, I have observed both men and women putting on weight after marriage — more at the belly for men, and overall for women. Of course, this could vary with body type — fat gain or loss in different areas. The “pear shape” is common and tends to gain at the bottom half of the body.

From the wedding ceremony to the honeymoon to the invitations by various relatives, the couple is stuffed with food. The bride cannot refuse, for fear that she may appear rude or ‘disobedient’. The guy, on the other hand, is left alone if he says he is too full and wastes some food!

Then, look at portion sizes.
At a restaurant, if a 50 kg woman and a 75 kg man order ice cream, they get the same serving size! So it’s harder for a woman to control her portion sizes when eating out, while men can afford to Eat away more calories (assuming the guy is taller than the woman).

Then comes pregnancy and child-rearing, leaving the woman with much less time to exercise. The kids often waste food, and the mother becomes a “garbage can”, not wanting to throw away good food.

In later years, of course, all the problems associated with hormonal changes kick in (sometimes as early as the mid-thirties), and weight gain is often a result.

Much of this applies to the middle class. If the woman is from the upper class. Say, Olayinka Ajibola(CEO/Director Of Operation at REINDZ STAR CONCEPTS, Owner of Kc Gym & Fitness Centre), she can just eat what she wants to, and nobody will force her. Or if she is a model or an actress (where her profession depends on her maintaining her body well), she will be forgiven if she says she adheres to a strict diet and refuses more Ice cream. Also, she is far more likely to have someone deal with the housework and a great part of child-rearing, leaving her time to exercise.

Monday 10 September 2018

Physical Activity in Colder Weather

I would hope that you’d agree that regular physical activity is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Despite what some individuals may think or practice, it’s important to note that regular physical activity is not defined as being active during the summer months and then hibernating like a bear in the winter until the nice weather comes back.

Believe it or not, this happens a lot! People make some great lifestyle changes in the summer months and sometimes let these slip because they aren’t prepared for the elements! This is very maladaptive (not adjusting adequately or appropriately to the environment or situation)as the body needs to KEEP MOVING!

In my profession as a Fitness Instructor, we see lots of injuries due to deconditioning over the cold season. We have to engrain the notion that the body needs to move on a daily basis no matter what! We cannot let the elements get in our way! If you take the time to get the proper game plan in place, NOTHING WILL GET IN YOUR WAY!

Here are a couple tips to consider when getting active in the cold:

Keep Safety First!
* Warm up and cool down thoroughly! It takes extra time to adjust to drastic temperature changes.

* Keep well hydrated! People forget to drink in the cold. One cup of water (250 ml) for every 15-20 minutes of exercise is perfect.

Plan Ahead
* Look at the weather forecast, plan your routes and make sure you have a safety zone.

*Let friends and family know that you’re leaving the house and identify your route of choice. If you have a cell phone bring it with you!

Be prepared for the Dark
* As we all know, winter comes with extended darkness periods. It’s essential to be ready for this!

* Ensure to have reflective items on your clothing, shoes, strollers, bicycles and helmets so others, especially motorists can see you.

Dress Well & Layer Up!!!
* Probably one of the most essential points. Lots of people forget that the body warms up during exercise as they are trying to combat the cold at resting body temperatures for most of the day. We generate a significant amount of heat when our bodies get moving and it is important to ensure this doesn’t drench us in sweat. Sweating is good; however, it could be our worst nightmare if caught wet in the cold. A good idea would be to use a three layer method: synthetic moisture wicking (e.g. polyester, microfiber, or other patented tech.) shirt/long sleeve as a base layer (#1) (do not use cotton, as this soaks up the fluid and stays wet), followed by a fleece or wool garment (#2) and then a wind and water resistant outer shell (#3). The inner layer will keep from soaking up the fluid, your mid layer can act as a buffer and be removed if you’re getting steamy and your shell will protect you from wind and water!

* Make sure your footwear is designed for the elements.

* Ensure your head, ears, hands and feet are well insulated as well.

Have a list of indoor options for those “crazy days”
* You can always implement a simple and easy workout at home consisting of calisthenics (own body weight exercises) and various aerobic drills.

* Exercise videos are great.

* Drop in to a fitness class at the local community center (cheap, easy and social!)

* Go for a long mall walk.

Hope this helps and KEEP you MOVING!