Wednesday 30 January 2019

Are Your Thighs Rubbing Constantly? Here's What You Can Do

Thigh chafing is that painful, uncomfortable, rash-like sensation you get in your inner thighs after a long day of rubbing against each other.
This happens as a result of too much movement which causes friction between your thighs and eventually causes your inner thighs to darken. This sensation becomes more unpleasant when you sweat as the salt in your sweat burns! The worst part is that this can happen for so many reasons. You wear clothes that are tight? Thigh chafing. Loose? Chafing. You decide to do yourself some good and work out? Thigh chafing!

Good thing is, there are simple ways to prevent thigh chafing.

Wear The Right Work Out Clothes
If you notice your thighs rubbing painfully during workout, you’re probably wearing the wrong workout clothes. Your gym wear should be made from a material that easily absorbs moisture. They should also not be too restrictive. Go for workout clothes that are made with moisture wicking synthetic fibre.

Lubricate The Affected Area
Applying petroleum jelly, coconut oil or any similar product will help reduce friction to the skin. Think of it as oil applied to create ease of movement. However, if you will need to do a lot of walking during the day, it’s best to skip this step. This is because increased friction can cause the lubricant to heat up and become a source of discomfort.

Stay Dry
When your skin is wet, your thighs are more prone to chafing. As a preventive measure, apply powder to those areas where you sweat the most; especially your inner thighs. Powder keeps your skin cool and reduces the friction caused by sweaty thighs. Also, do not stay in wet, sweaty clothes.

Wear Anti Chafe Underwear
A good number of ladies absolutely cannot deal when it comes to wearing tights. But if your thighs are constantly rubbing to the point of chafing then it’s time to invest in some quality spandex tights/shorts. These will create a barrier between your thighs, reducing friction and eliminating chafing altogether. It’s worth giving a shot, no?

Thursday 3 January 2019

Firm Up Your Sagging Breasts

Sagging breasts is an issue that many women face. Sagging breasts are caused when skin loses elasticity. Factors such as aging, smoking, pregnancy and being overweight can contribute to the sagging appearance of your breasts. Of course, some of these things are within your control, while others are not. However, if you are looking for ways that you can organically enhance the appearance of your chest, this is the article for you! Here are some natural remedies to help give your bust a boost.

1. Exercises:
Exercising is one of the best ways to correct a saggy bust line and repair connective tissue and muscles around the breasts. According to OLAYINKA Ajibola (CEO/Fitness Instructor @ Kc Gym & Fitness Centre) these exercises are among the most effective:

Chest Press.
Lie flat on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms up and hold for 10 seconds. This simple exercise works the pectoral muscles. Over time, the breasts will begin to firm and reshape.

Arm Raise.
To engage your chest muscles, do a simple arm raise. Think of this move as an extended stretch. Simply stand with your feet apart and reach straight up. This exercise not only works to enhance breasts but also can stretch your body in preparation for a workout.

To complete a simple pushup, start on your stomach. Push your body up with your arms and keep your back straight. The weight of your body on your arms encourages the chest muscles to strengthen.

2. Olive Oil Massage:
olive oil massage will not only repair skin tone and texture but can also improve the appearance of sagging breasts. The olive oil is rich in antioxidants that can repair the damage caused by free radicals. Simply massage your breasts with olive oil for 15 minutes a few times per week.

3. Good Posture:
The way that you carry your body through the day can significantly impact the appearance of your chest. According to an article from Organic Facts,hunching your shoulders offers no support for your breasts. Instead, your breasts droop with the shape of your body, which greatly contributes to the dreaded sag. You can help reduce sag by standing up straight and pushing your shoulders back.

4. Ice:
ice can firm the breast and tone the skin. Simply rub a cube of ice on your breasts in circular motions. To avoid numbness, don’t exceed one minute.

5. Egg Whites:
The astringent and skin-toning properties found in egg whites prove to be beneficial for drooping breasts. the hydro-lipids present in the egg also work to lift loose skin. To use, spread beaten, foamy egg whites on the breasts and let sit for 30 minutes before washing away.

6. Aloe Vera:
massaging with aloe vera works to improve blood circulation and strengthen the connective tissues. To use, massage the gel into the skin in an upward motion for 15 minutes.

7. Essential Oils:
Organic Facts indicates that a variety of essential oils can tighten and tone sagging skin. A few of the most beneficial oils include lemongrass, carrot, cypress and spearmint. The article warns to use the oils sparingly, as sometimes they can cause a burning sensation.

8. Cucumber Skin Mask:
Cucumber works to firm skin and naturally lifts the breasts. Mix a ground cucumber with egg, butter and natural cream. Allow the mixture to cool overnight before applying it to your breasts.